Determining Leadership

For my life knowledge lesson, I chose a leadership lesson from the FFA called defining leadership. I really liked this lesson and I think the students did too! There were a lot of handouts and a lot of different activities that took place but I think the students thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a great learning experience for not only myself but all the students that participated.

I taught Ms. Metrick's period 6, Ag 1 and period 7, Ag Sci class. In the first class, Ag 1 was great. We got through all the learning objectives and went through the entire assignment. The class engaged and participated very well. At the end of the class, for the student's ticket out, they had to answer the question, What is leadership? and write down who they look up to as a leader. This was really cool to see all the different answers for who they look up too. They also all answered the question right in What is leadership? Leadership is influence.

The second time teaching this class was a little different. The Ag Sci class is co-taught with the disabilities teacher. This was interesting because the class was definitely lower functioning and that showed. We did not get through all of the objectives and the whole lesson because certain parts took longer than the first class. There is also a handful of students that read at a second-grade reading level. That made it challenging for the one assignment because it required students to read a page about and a half about historic leaders and then answer leadership questions. This activity ended up working out because we just simply did not do it; due to the lack of time.

In all, the life knowledge lesson was a great opportunity to get into "my" future classroom and experience students. This was different and better then micro-teaching because these students I will be working with in the future. In all, I had more fun with these students too! I cannot wait to work with Ms. Metrick in the spring.


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