Ag Mech Demo - Welding

For my Ag Mech Demo, I chose to teach it at CASH in Ms. Metricks Ag Mech class. Originally I was very nervous about the assignment because I have only ever welded twice before. I am by no means a professional welder.  I was demonstrating to the students how to lay a bead, which they all already knew how to do that. I accomplished this task the only way I knew how to have fun with it.

I was straight up with the students and told them that this was only my third time ever welding. I also very confidently told them that they can all weld better than me! After I gave my demonstration and had two students do the same thing, turns out I was right!

I think an important part of teaching that I have learned through my Penn State experience is being willing to learn with your students and being able to laugh at yourself sometimes. Welding is definitely not my cup of tea and I have so much to learn. But going into the class with a growth mindset helped me through it!

My biggest take away is, sometimes the students might know more than you and that's okay! Use that to your advantage. Have those students give the demonstrations, have those students give their opinion on certain topics! Those experiences will make the learning environment more fun!


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