Week 7 - National FFA Week

Wow! This week was extremely exhausting but also so rewarding! National FFA Week was a huge success at CASH! The amount of participation from so many different students made the week totally worth the effort. From taking pies to the face and wearing orange for #KindlerStrong or just an ordinary school day with our students being proud to wear their official dress. Words can not express how much fun and how proud I am of all of these students in this program.

We started our week as Camo and Flannel Monday! So many students participated along with so many teachers in the school who really support CASH FFA. That night we tie-dyed shirts because Friday was tie-dye day! We stayed after school, played music and just had fun!

Tuesday was official dress! The students wore their blue corduroy jackets to school. It was so cool seeing all of the FFA jackets throughout the school building. That night, we went to the Meadville Hoss's to have dinner with other local chapters and Pennsylvania FFA State Officer, Killian George.

Wednesday was a very special day. We wore Orange for Ashley. Ashley is a recent graduate of CASH FFA and she is currently battling Leukemia. We had so many people in school participating in wearing orange for support. We hosted Koins for Kindler which raised $668 and resulted in Ms. Metrick and I having 6 pies and so many eggs thrown into our face. This was a great experience to see so many students, teachers, and community members come together for support! #KindlerStrong

Thursday we supported our favorite sports teams and wore our favorite team gear! Did anyone even doubt that Ms. Metrick and I would not of warn our Penn State football jerseys!?

Finally the end of the week! Today, we wore our tie-die that we made on Monday! Might I say, I am jealous of how good some of the student's shirts turned out compared to mine!

This week was so much fun! I promise we also did work and had a productive week in the classroom. I was able to demonstrate arc welding to the Ag 1 classes and that actually went really well. I am not comfortable in welding (yet) and teaching a content area where you are not very comfortable can be a challenging task. Overall, it went really well. I am extremely happy with the progression of the class. The students are learning and I am also learning along the way. Next week is a busy week in the classroom (seems like every week is a busy week) and I can't wait to get started!


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