
Showing posts from December, 2019

NAAE National Convention Reflection

This past week at NAAE National Convention has been an incredible experience. I am so thankful to Penn State For this entire experience. I have had the opportunity to meet some of the nation's best agricultural educators from across the country. These are leaders who were once in my shoes and have done a phenomenal job at building their local programs. I had the chance to interact with current Class of 2020 Ag Ed students from a number of universities. It was really cool to talk to those students from other universities and hear about the struggles that they are having. We actually have the same challenges and were able to give each other advice on how to best work through those problems. It was also great to work with Ag Ed members from Pennsylvania. California is quite the journey from PA. But seeing their commitment, dedication, and attendance to this conference reminded me of the value. It was great to interact with them and learn some of their skills that they use! The n

Week 14 Investment

For my Week 8  Investment Blog, I am presenting 3 questions from our assigned readings.   1) For your future students and/or future school administrators As a student, how do you feel if your teacher goes to a week-long conference and leaves the classroom for a full week? 2) For your cooperating teacher and/or university supervisor Laura Metrick, do you apply for NAAE awards? Would you ever consider going to the NAAE National Convention? 3) For one of your current virtual mentors (be specific!) and/or your cohort To Team Witmer virtual Mentors, How do you determine the value of a conference? There are so many great conferences to go to, how do you pick the ones you go to?