
Showing posts from August, 2019

RTL Reflection

This assignment was interesting to say the least. When we first received this assignment on Monday, I was at a loss for words because of my topic. I had to teach a class on how to construct the origami butterfly. This was a daunting task due to the fact of I had no idea on how to do this myself. After watching YouTube video after YouTube video, I learned how to do it and formed a lesson plan.     As I go and watch my lesson on Edthena, I see a few things. One, I don’t feel like I did that bad of a job. My objective was to have the students create an origami butterfly on their own and they did that. Second, I have a lot of work to do in improving my teaching methods. I was told that during the instructions, I made it seem like it was a fire drill. I would agree! I see that when I give instructional learning, I need to slow down and give more detailed instructions. I also see that I need to better manage my classroom and student behavior. Hopefully we will learn more about that this se

Ag Progress Days

My summer internship at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center at Penn State finished with Ag Progress Days. I had an awesome opportunity to go around and visit different vendors to learn more about why these companies are here. It was so cool to talk to big-name companies and to have real conversations with them. Here are some pictures from Ag Progress Days.  Local Seed Company  Mid-Atlantic Seeds New Holand Mahindra John Deere Kubota  Pioneer Seeds All of the Summer Interns