
Showing posts from March, 2019

TLT Symposium

The TLT Symposium this weekend at Penn State was an awesome opportunity to learn about new technology and exciting ways to use that technology in the classroom. I gained so many cool and fun ideas from this weekend that I am so excited to try in my future classroom. Keynote speaker Dan Heath gave an excellent presentation about his book and the philosophy of making information stick. When students or anyone really, learn something new in the classroom, it is because they have a sense of relatedness to the information. There is a way to receive the information that students can relate to and help to make that information stick in their brains. Penn State (2019)  The best put in my of the whole symposium was the different sessions. I love this set up where educators can choose where to go and what presentations to listen to based on their own personal interests. I was able to learn about this super cool idea of how to successfully use virtual reality in the classroom. The examp

Cooperating Center Goals

Traveling across the state and even to Virginia, I have had the opportunity to see a lot of different schools with different programs. Through all of these experiences, I have learned that there is not one perfect school. However, it's cool to see new ideas and different ways programs run. You can begin to pick and choose different ideas that you would want in your future program! There's a lot of different things that I believe are important when looking for the right cooperating center. Types of classes are extremely important. I want to teach classes that I am comfortable in but also get new experience. I am not comfortable in the shop. Any Ag Mechanic classes I am not comfortable in due to my lack of experience and knowledge. One more class I am not comfortable in is animal science. I have experience with wildlife species but not animal science. My wheelhouse is definitely wildlife, forestry, and natural resources. Something I would really enjoy doing is teaching students a